Synthesis of Chitosan-Lignin using Mannich Reaction and Its Characterization

Sintesis Kitosan-Lignin dengan Reaksi Mannich dan Karakterisasinya

  • Nila Tanyela Berghuis Universitas Pertamina
  • M. Achyaruddin Wahid Program Studi Kimia, Fakultas Sains dan Ilmu Komputer, Universitas Pertamina


Lignin and chitosan compounds are abundant biopolymers that occur in nature. However, the use aspect of this biopolymer is still very minimal and only becomes waste in the environment. The synthesis of lignin-chitosan using the Mannich reaction can be an alternative to be able to use this waste to become useful material in the future. The chitosan used was commercial chitosan with% DD (percent deacetylation) of 71.57%. The characterization used is FTIR and TGA. The success of lignin-chitosan synthesis is indicated by the appearance of peaks in the FTIR spectrum at wavenumbers 3300 - 3500 cm-1. TGA analysis is used to determine the thermal degradation properties of lignin-chitosan compounds which are thought to be new biopolymer compounds.


Keywords: Chitosan, Lignin, Mannich Reaction

How to Cite
Berghuis, N., & Wahid, M. A. (2021). Synthesis of Chitosan-Lignin using Mannich Reaction and Its Characterization. Jurnal Kartika Kimia, 4(1), 33-37.
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