Fabricating Visual Strip Sensor for Iron(II) using Polyacrylamide Coated on Paper Supporting Material
Pembuatan Visual Strip Sensor Ion Besi(II) dengan Bahan Pendukung Kertas yang Dilapisi Poliakrilamida
This research made a visual strip sensor to measure the levels of iron. This sensor whose made of paper cellulose acetate that has been coated by polyacrylamide and 1,10-penantroline complex inserted. Visual sensor strip testing is done with various concentrations of iron(II) to create a standard series and see the range of concentrations of iron(II) which can be distinguished by the eye. The stability of the color of sensor that have been tested were observed in 4 days. Visual strip sensor can distinguish the range of 5 ppm and slightly increased after the color intensity observed in four days. Measurement of the blood enhancing drug samples with 3 repetitions producing good. The result of visual strip sensor was compared with AAS and obtained 99.42% accuracy.