Preparation of Solid Soap with Ethanol Extract of Binahong Leaf (Anredera cordifolia (ten.) Steenis) as Antibacterial Agent
Pembuatan Sabun Padat dengan Penambahan Ekstrak Etanol Daun Binahong (Anredera Cordifolia (Ten.) Steenis) Sebagai Agen Antibakteri
This research aims to determine the antibacterial activity of the ethanol extract of binahong leaves and its solid soap formulation. Maceration using 70% ethanol solvent was used to obtain the ethanol extract of binahong leaves. Secondary metabolites from binahong leaves were obtained from maceration using a 70% ethanol solvent. The extract obtained was then subjected to phytochemical test, solid soap formulation and test, antibacterial test, and hedonic test. Binahong leaf ethanol extract contains secondary metabolites of flavonoids, saponins, quinones, and phenols. Testing of binahong leaf ethanol extract solid soap refers to SNI 3532-2016. Based on the SNI test for solid binahong soap, the water content ranges from 26 to 28% (SNI <15%); the average pH was 9 (SNI pH 9–11); %FFA or %free fatty acids was 0.7896–0.9137% (SNI < 2.5%); and % insoluble substances in ethanol was 3.9 % and 4.4% (SNI <5%). Based on the results of the sensitivity test, all panellists (n = 30) did not experience irritation. The paper method was used to test the antibacterial properties of the ethanol extract of binahong leaves and the solid soap. The results of the antibacterial test showed that the ethanol extract of binahong leaves and the solid soap had medium-category inhibitory power for S. aureus and P. aeruginosa bacteria.