Characterization of Trunk Fish Bone Gelatin (Euthynnus Affinis) with Acetic Acid Hydrolyzer

Karakterisasi Gelatin Tulang Ikan Tongkol (Euthynnus affinis) dengan Penghidrolisat Asam Asetat

  • Didin Syahrudin Al-Faroji Universitas Mathla’ul Anwar, Kab. Pandeglang
  • Mariam Sabrina Universitas Mathla’ul Anwar, Kab. Pandeglang
  • Ade Sumiardi Universitas Banten Jaya, Serang
  • Nani Suryani Universitas Mathla’ul Anwar, Kab. Pandeglang
  • Dimas Danang Indriatmoko Universitas Mathla’ul Anwar, Kab. Pandeglang
Keywords: amino acid, Euthynnus affinis, gelatin


Gelatin is a type of converted protein obtained through the hydrolysis process of collagen from animal skin, bones and white fibrous tissue. The main raw materials used in gelatin production are beef bones, cow skin and pork skin. The bones of tuna fish (Euthynnus affinis) can be used as a source of gelatin. This research aims to isolate gelatin from E. affinis fish bones using acetic acid as a hydrolyzate and to characterize the amino acid content using High Performance Liquid Chromatography. E. affinis bone gelatin is brownish yellow with a yield of 12.2%, water content 10%, ash content 1.03%, pH 4.33, and viscosity 3.44 cP and strength of 67.54 g. bloom. E. affinis bone gelatin contains 77.7 amino acids consisting of proline 8.76%, glycine 23, 5% and tryptophan 0.01% which is a typical amino acid of collagen.

How to Cite
Al-Faroji, D., Sabrina, M., Sumiardi, A., Suryani, N., & Indriatmoko, D. (2023). Characterization of Trunk Fish Bone Gelatin (Euthynnus Affinis) with Acetic Acid Hydrolyzer. Jurnal Kartika Kimia, 6(1), 78-85.
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